#Puzzlemaker word search maker software
puz Play your puzzle in popular crossword players, such as Black Ink by Red Sweater Software

#Puzzlemaker word search maker mac
Multi-Core - High Quality Puzzles, Fast: Puzzle Maker takes advantage of your multi-core Mac to deliver a good-looking puzzle, fast.Export As an Interactive Web Page: want to share your puzzle with the world? Puzzle Maker lets you export your puzzle as an interactive Web page, so people all over the world can solve your puzzle.Then you can create books and newsletters that include your puzzle. Export To Pages: need to edit your puzzle document further? Export your puzzles to Pages, the word processor by Apple.Export As Image: export your puzzles to a high quality image (PNG), so they can be included in another document or a website.Nice Printouts: tired of your puzzles looking like they were printed off a Web site? With Puzzle Maker, your printed puzzles will look great – no website logos, no unwanted text.Don’t settle for a boring black-and-white puzzle. Edit Puzzles: change fonts, add colors and modify layout.If your browser is configured to block pop-ups, you will need to allow this site to open pop-ups.Puzzle Maker lets you create crossword and word search puzzles using your own words! You choose the words, and Puzzle Maker can make a crossword and word search from them. Note that this site uses a pop-up window to display the generated printable. Optionally, click the Save button to save the word list for future use.Optionally, change the puzzle sheet settings, such as puzzle type, word hints in the word bank, etc.Click the Add Rows button to add more rows.The Chinese word should not be more than 4 characters long. You can click the E button to let the system fill in the definition for you if the Chinese is a single character or a commonly-used word. Optionally, enter the definition of the Chinese character or word.Use v for ü, for example lv3 for lǚ, and number 5 for the neutral tone, e.g. As an example, for the Chinese phrase 哪儿, the Pinyin must be entered as na3 er2. Note that Pinyin must be entered with tone numbers and its syllables must be separated by a blank space. Click the P button to add Pinyin automatically.Both simplified and traditional Chinese characters are supported. You can copy or paste Chinese text from other sources, such as web pages or word documents, or enter them using your faovorite Chinese Input Method Editor(IME).

The title is used to identify the word list when you save the list to the server.
Click the Print button to generate the puzzle sheets.In the Puzzle Worksheet Options section, adjust the puzzle options as needed.Remove the entries you do not need by clicking the trash can icon next to it. If the list has more than 20 entries, only the first 20 entries will be used to generate the puzzle. Load a list from your saved lists or find one by looking up the lists created by others.To create a Chinese word or Pinyin search puzzle: